Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Cat's Out of the Bag

If her wickedly gleeful grin is any indication, I have about ten minutes before Mynxee starts pointing people to me whenever someone asks her if she's going to restart the Hellcats. Every so often, a few ladies will bat around the idea of starting or reviving an all-female PVP corp. There'll be general agreement that it's a FANTASTIC idea, and enthusiastic cries of support, but nobody steps up to organise all that energy before it dissipates. But, I digress.

Are the Hellcats reforming? In a word, yes.

The more detailed, more complex answer is yes, but we don't know exactly how it's going to look yet. At this point in time, the corp's focus will once again be on solo/small-gang lowsec piracy. Personally, I'd also like to include some mentoring opportunities and roams that are open to non-members, to recognise the fact that not every member of the "lowsec pirate gal" community wears the same corp tag. That'll mostly depend on availability of FCs and how many ladies decide they want to join in the flashy fun.

There's precious little more information to post, because the answer to most questions that people would have is "we don't know". Where will our HQ be? We don't know. Where will we operate? We don't know. What will we fly? Ships We don't know. The only definite answer I can give right now is that no, we are not recruiting at the moment, mainly because we haven't figured out what kind of entry criteria we want beyond "women who PVP".

Oh, one other definite answer: no, Mynxee will not have any official responsibilities in the corp. She's said on numerous occasions that she doesn't want to take on a leadership role, and we're going to respect that until/unless she changes her mind. (cue Mynx piping with "not gonna happen!")

That's all we have on deck for now. This blog will be our announcements platform until we get our own forums (and a new blog layout), so check back regularly for more info. In the meantime, fly dangerous, and remember:

Once a Hellcat, always a Hellcat.